Friday, April 27, 2012

Post from Wendy (my sister)

Good morning friends!
We are here in Jinja and are adjusting to African life. We arrived at Entebbe aiport to be greeted by Glenn.  We had a short drive to the airport guesthouse and we were warmly greeted by the guesthouse staff. They unloaded our bags and we appreciated the "thank you please" and "OK please". We got a chuckle from their expressions.
Mike, here now.  I am sitting on the patio at Serjio's having just finished a nice spanish omlette watching a chicken meander slowly across the yard pecking away followed by the gardener sweeping the yard with a broom (no rakes here!).  Had a great first day yesterday.  Drove up from the airport through Kampala (where we picked up Damali, Glenn had brought her up the night before for a quick surprise visit to her new husband!) here to Jinja.  After checking in at Serjio's, we went back to Sonrise and had a tour of the baby home and then took them all for a walk down the road to the children's home - quite a surreal experience walking down a red dirt road with 12 little babies tagging along.  Gotta go, headed out to one of the villages to take some supplies to some families that Pastor Gabriel has identified.  We will post more later. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see a post from you Wendy and Mike. Sounds like the trip is going wonderfully so far. Really excited to hear more from you I hope in the coming days. Pass my greetings on to Pastor Gabriel, Damali and the others. Enjoy your time there!
