Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 20: Life at ATIN

If you are in need of a boost to your sense of importance I would suggest visiting the kids at ATIN.  They mob you every time you arrive even when you come and go several times in the same day.  Each time I get to the gate I am flooded with hugs and ‘welcome back uncle’…’Uncle welcome back’.  Yesterday I tooted the horn at the gate (to get someone to open it) but when they saw it was me suddenly I realized that they were ‘all’ pouring into my car. Every door was open and kids were jamming in everywhere.  Little Joel was practically on my lap.  I began telling them to ‘stop’, ‘wait’, ‘get out!’, but they are not yet domesticated so you can’t always expect them to do what you tell them.  When it comes to my vehicle they don’t seem to have a sense that it is off limits.  It is quite the opposite actually.  So, now when I arrive I’ve succumbed to the idea that 17 kids will attack and infiltrate my vehicle and then I will give them a ride around the neighbourhood.  They have not given me much of a choice in the matter.  Whether it is safe or not is something else altogether.  The fact that Immanuel stands on the back bumper and holds onto the spare tire suggests that I go slowly.  On a similar note if I’ve got anything that I want to keep inside the vehicle there is a good chance that it will be gone once I get them all out.  It’s not stealing they just think that whatever is in my car is for them!     


  1. Who thought that providing a car ride could bring so much contentment and happiness! You are a blessing Glenn! Your descriptions are bringing your Africa story to life. It's almost like I'm there too!

  2. Wow having a celebrity show up who enjoys the thrill of a great car ride must be amazing for the kids.
    I wish I got to experience the football with you and them.

    Take care
