Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19 - Barr Subcounty: We're Getting Remote Here

There's a few things I'd like to fix up but that's the life of a home owner.


  1. looking pretty relaxed there Glenn! it's been great following the blog and seeing what you're up to over there.

  2. Glenn, this photo has a certain mystique to it. You look so at home there, I wouldn't mind stopping by for tea at all. In fact, I confess, this might be my favourite photo of you yet. I like it so much Glenn, I tell you what, I would like to commission another painting by our mutual friend 'the artist of Jinja'. Should you see fit Glenn, the money I am sending over with Mike and Wendy for my original commissioned work should cover the expenses of one more work - and it is clear to me that this photo should be captured on canvas as well. Please send my regards to the artist and let him know I would like to mount this work next to my prized "African Kristen" piece.

  3. thanks Abby! glad you're following along...hope you guys are well!

  4. Brad, what a good idea. I might just do that but possibly use our 'artist' friend to do the painting in lieu of paying up back the money he owes. A complete set of africanized muzungu's would like nice on your wall.
