Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23: some photos of the day

Morris talking to street kids in a dump area where they sleep.
every child was sniffing glue mixed with airplane fuel when we visited their spot.  In the pictures you can see kids holding something up to their mouth...its a rag soaked in gasoline and glue.  Some will be holding water bottles also filled with the non palatable intoxicant. this is where the kids from ATIN come from.  They too were in this same lifestyle before coming to ATIN.  When we pass this section in the vehicle they all look to see who is there. 

there home is essentially a dump behind some shops.  some of the kids say they sleep in the trees.

when they are ready to get off the street and show that they are serious are welcome at ATIN if they can follow the rules.  in the first weeks the kids are detoxifying and getting used to taking food, sleeping on a schedule, washing themselves, etc.

many of the kids are malnourished.  sniffing glue takes away hunger pangs.  many are beginning to show signs of brain damage.  one boy was in and out of mild seizures where he would stare and his eyes would go back in his head.  there is no telling what kind of damage is inflicted on their developing brains through these addictions/coping behaviour.

the kids were showing signs of intoxication which reduces inhibitions.  normally they would be much more self conscious about having their picture taken while doing something that they know is wrong/harmful.

there is a sad irony in the writing on the back of this boy's shirt.
shot of main drag in Lira
Piggery funded through Lynn G. being constructed under supervision of Compious and Morris.  The goal is to send one pig with each child that is resettled as form of financial assistance for the family.

This is the sight around just about every corner in Africa.

Matron Grace relaxing with the kids on the trampoline. 

Kids play football (soccer) in the ATIN compound.  such a good life compared with life on the street
Kids enjoying slip and slide


  1. wow! every post either makes me laugh out loud or shed some tears...this one sad.....

  2. This one was incredibly sad. The pictures were hard to see. Makes you glad for the work ATIN is doing, but it must be incredibly difficult work. Living in those conditions, you certainly can't blame the children for looking for an escape. I noticed there were only boys there, are there many girls living on the streets as well? I hate to imagine what life is like for them.
