Monday, April 09, 2012

Notes from: Saturday April 7, 2012

 Damali's wedding was a real festival of surprises.  This was the 'church wedding' or the 'religious wedding'.  Last weekend we had the 'traditional wedding'.  This one resembled our weddings in many ways with a few curious differences.  One of those differences was that the reception was held at a place called, 'Wonder World' which is a amusement park in Kampala.  Speeches and festivities were punctuated by screams from what appeared to be the 'Great Canadian Mindbuster' just near to the covered pavillion we were under. There were moments of waiting as there are at all weddings so I went to find some pain medicine for a friend who had developed a migraine.  I went on a boda, in my suit, to a nearby pharmacy to discover that I could buy codeine over the counter.  I wasn't sure her headache was that bad but I went for the strong stuff and a milder anti inflammatory just to be safe.  She started with the milder stuff but ended the night with the strong stuff.  come to think of it I haven't heard from her since and I might just want to check to make sure she's taking it as me!
At the reception I sat beside a young love sick fellow who was trying to elicit the attention of Betty who was at our table.  She chose not to give him the time of day so he turned toward me serenading me with love songs.  He fancied himself a singer.  At one point I glanced at him and our eyes locked uncomfortably as he cooed singing verse after verse of love's torment.  Betty's eyes were rolling back in her head, Chelsea was trying to give the young man some cues but nothing seemed to sidetrack him.  There are all kinds of boundaries that keep us safe (physical, emotional, cultural).  This boundary violation could be classified as an intrapsychic boundary.  Lets just say my boundaries here are being stretched.   
Morris, Godfrey, and me at Wonder World.
 Some things are easy to fix. 
The proceedings are now over.  This must have been among the grandest of weddings in all of uganda today.  Many of you are on Randy's email list so you may have got a full description from him.


  1. Damali looks amazing! so do you! very dapper in your cream suit! you're looking good Glenn! I so wished we could have witnessed her wedding! once in a lifetime eh? we did get Randy's email description...glad you made it to the wedding on time! very interesting difference in having the reception at an adventure park! funny!

  2. Glenn, Glenn, Glenn, where do I even begin with this one? I realize you are over there doing important work, but playing a doctor now too I see? Driving through Kampala on a boda boda in your suit to get codeine for your friend? You are a gentlemen and a scholar sir!

    I hate to say it, but I do enjoy hearing stories of you being uncomfortable Glenn, so imagining you being serenaded by a young man spurned for his love brought me immense joy as I read it. Perhaps the two of you could collaborate on some melodies, given your poetic way with words.

    Reading your descriptions of the wedding and receiving Randy's regular emails has left me in a state of severe to extreme envy. I so wish I could have been there. It sounds like the event to end all events? By chance, did you have the opportunity to ride a roller coaster in Uganda? Given Uganda's reputation for reliable motor vehicles, I can only imagine the heightened sense of excitement a roller coaster there would bring.

    And again, I feel like I might be saying this too often, but how can I not comment on your photos. You look stunning Glenn, you are a prince among paupers, a king among commoners.

  3. Wow what a beautiful wedding. The bride looks amazing in that dress. You also look very handsome in fact it seems like the nickname "Dapper Dan" is only fitting don't you think. I would love to go to a reception at an amusement park what a unique idea. Although, as the comment before references I woul be a little scared of the roller coasters in Uganda.
