Friday, April 13, 2012

Notes from: April 12, 2012

 This is an elderly man originally from Rwanda who has been living in this makeshift tent for 4-5 years now.  He is taken care of by a Local Council leader who owns this property.  This is a very remote subsistence farming community.  This man used to work for the sugarcane company.  He is in considerable pain, he is going blind, he has jiggers which are worms that get into the toes and fingers of people who sleep on dirt floors.
 The LC brings him food and  has been advocating on his behalf to get some help to build him a better dwelling.  When we saw the desperate condition of this old man who is living in less than human conditions we agreed to build him a brick home where he would not get wet in the rainy season.  Those who have supported my trip are now building a home.  I will also ask my niece if this is something she'd want to do with her ice cream sundae fund raising efforts.
Jiggers are very painful and they get under the skin and toe nails.  They can be treated easily and we'll get him some treatment.  When we asked him if he wanted a home closer to where the LC lives he said 'no' he wants to live alone but he only said this out of depression and not wanting to be a bother.  After some discussion he agreed to move closer to the LC's family home where they can keep an eye on him better.  He is now excited about the prospect of living out the rest of his life in a real house with a cement floor.


  1. Wow! Amazing! Another day that must bring such fulfillment to you! It seems that every day brings another adventure, another need, another opportunity to help someone in need.....

  2. Nice work Glenn. Great way to use some funds, another great story and another great look at how much can be done very simply
